Parks & Public Property with added responsibilities of the Recreation Board
P: 605-764-2519
Mayor and Commissioners
The City of Canton has a Commissioner form of government. The City has a mayor and four city commissioners who serve five-year terms. Commission meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month. If City Hall is closed due to a holiday, the meeting will be held the following Tuesday. The meetings are held in the Viking Room (lower level) of the Canton Depot at 600 West Fifth Street. The meetings are scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.

Mayor Sandi Lundstrom

Commissioner Jackie Pigors
Public Safety
P: 612-240-8519
E: Email Jackie Pigors

Commissioner Paul Garbers
Public Works
P: 605-929-6007
E: Email Paul Garbers

Commissioner Kris York
P: 605-261-3997
E: Email Kris York
Commissioner Tyler Larson
Revenue and Finance
P: 605-214-6268
E: Email Tyler Larson